On Target RT_HIV1 0.2868217/CHEMBL4108778

For the given ligand Remdesivir, we have found in our database that, being scored 0.2868217, the most similar ligand is CHEMBL4108778. Check out the elaboration below.
Remdesivir (Given Ligand) CHEMBL4108778 (Similar Ligand)
CCC(CC)COC(=O)[C@H](C)NP(=O)(OC[C@H]3O[C@@](C#N)(c1ccc2c(N)ncnn12)[C@H](O)[C@@H]3O)Oc4ccccc4 COC(=O)N[C@H](C(=O)N[C@H](c1ccc([C@@H](CO)N(CCC(C)(C)C)S(=O)(=O)c2ccn3ncnc3c2)s1)C(F)(F)F)C(c1ccccc1)c1ccccc1
2d depiction of PSP-case1 2d depiction of CHEMBL4108778
3d depiction of PSP-case1 3d depiction of CHEMBL4108778
0020004a 81144109 f2103512 99010f60 452c80f4 8008c004 0303c401 00200a20 19404b00 010c0844 08189004 4ac7b168 00009802 02b30020 000e9040 028eba8c 084b8830 06800005 21662008 00665243 60120120 3e008a60 a7801cc6 08700110 10000400 80002000 0f0892c0 900388a0 0240128f 00c6cc36 55400280 22339c84 000100d2 00903a08 62184100 0db10601 100c00c0 0003e0e4 06031081 2320580e 00c60b08 c04918c0 09302204 e000b880 8c008813 00e02021 804c2440 001e020c 1842b010 0299000c 00700818 0022660d e0001900 7c288eb0 23900802 d370005c 42000c00 e4010006 40000800 d040282c 0c200380 2046000f e0004000 00d107f0